My Quick Start Challenge
My Quick Start Challenge – 30 Days To Success!
I have enrolled into “The Quick Start Challenge” taught by Dean Holland and Craig Crawford. The goal is to build a business in 30 Days that earns $100 or more a day. Would you like to join me in this journey?
My days are filled with going to work and looking after my little daughter but I still want to take part in this challenge as I want to succeed and I cannot succeed by just keep dreaming, I have to take action. So I will use every single spare minute when my daughter is asleep to follow all the steps needed. Below I am trying to document what QSC is about in detail. And to be honest, it is the first time I am taking part in a challenge like that and to be honest, I am scared to fail.
Week 1
First I need to know within myself why I want to be successful. My desire has to be super strong so I don’t give up when the going gets tough.
So my first challenge is to plan my week regarding Time Management and the Effective use of my time. I need to put in at least one hour a day into my business. I need to plan what tasks to complete in what time. Using a simple Planner for that task is very helpful.
The State of the Internet
We are in the prime days of the Internet with more potential than ever, but it does not work anymore to throw mindless content on the web. Social Platforms have become very popular. People like to read about other people’s life. You have to think about your potential customers into your own world. So how can you do this? You have to establish yourself online. Not everything needs to be perfect. The Quick Start Challenge is about doing it fast. People can relate to your Imperfections.
What to do as a basic minimum with your Blog?
Start your Blog and have an About You page. Why? Because a large percentage of your new visitors are going to visit your About You page.
Just document your actions and encourage Interaction, e.g. reply to people’s comments. Every successful Blog did start out with no comments.
So just start out your Blog using Free Tutorials. In the Members Area of the Quick Start Challenge is a whole section dedicated on how to set up your blog the right way (WordPress tutorials). And there is a community group where you can ask questions. And if you have a Blog already that is fantastic, just make it better. If you don’t have a Blog yet, you need C-panel hosting and a Domain name. I know already how to set up a Blog technically but I am still learning about how to write successful Blog posts.
I have just completed my first challenge for Week 1, which is creating my first blog post about “The Quick Start Challenge” on my own Blog.
Week 2
Today week 2 of “The Quick Start Challenge” is starting. How exciting. It is all about list building. Not the old fashioned way of list building but the Triple Tier method. What is the Tiple Tier Method?
We need 3 pages for that and we are creating 2 of them.
We need
1. optin page
2. secret page
3. money page
Here is my first Triple Tier List Building Method:
This is my optin page where I offer a FREE traffic explosion video training: https://imwealthstrategies.com/trafficexplosion
which leads to my thank you page where you can download your free training: https://imwealthstrategies.com/trafficexplosionthankyou
and on my thank you page you can click on a button which leads you to the Dirty Affiliate Marketing Secrets FREE plus shipping offer.
I have also created a little intro video about QSC. Here is my video:
The Quick Start Challenge has come to an end. I have been so busy that I did not have time to update my blog. But it was well worthwhile. I recommend this to anybody who is thinking about starting up a business online. The QSC will help you put the foundations in place you need to start out which are: setting up your own blog, setting up your own squeeze page, getting an autoresponder, starting to write messages for your autoresponder and last but not least how you get traffic to your squeeze page so you can start making money.
Donna Stancil
September 15, 2017I really like the layout of your blog. I am sure you will do well in Challenge.
You have already accommpished a lot in such in such a short time. Keep up the
good work.
Eugene McGrath
September 19, 2017Hi There Ulrike
Love your blog it has a clean layout and has lots of valuable content
Just a tip about building Know Like and trust, if you are not quite ready
to appear on camera at least narrate the videos to give a person a feel
for your voice and who you are, I have been taught this by lots of marketers
if you appear on video your KLT will go up 10x as the people can see who is behind the blog 🙂
Ross Johnston
September 19, 2017Hello Ulrike – You have a comprehensive site. I loved the QSC short video. There is a lot of great content that looks helpful.
All the best
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