Setting Up Facebook Ads
Next up, you need to set up some Facebook Ads to start sending people to the checkout page via your affiliate link. You can choose to do this either directly, or via a landing page. In this case we’re going to keep things nice and simple by sending people directly to the checkout where they can buy the product.
Setting up adverts with Facebook is easy enough. Just log into Facebook and then click the arrow on the far right. Here you can then find an option called ‘Create Adverts on Facebook’. Once this page loads, you can then create a new campaign and here you’ll have a number of different options for the ‘objective for your campaign’.
Now choose ‘Send People to Your Website’ and where it gives you the option to enter a URL, just enter the affiliate link you were given.
From here, you’re then given a huge number of options regarding who you want to visit the link. You can choose to narrow the visitors down based on their location, based on their age, based on their behaviors and their interests… You can even target them based on their employers, based on their job title, based on their relationship status…
This process is called ‘targeting’ and this is how you can then make sure that the only people who see your ads are people who are quite likely to be interested in buying what you have to sell.
This is important because your objective is not to be seen by as many people as possible and it is not to be clicked by as many as people as possible. Every click is costing you money, so what you want to do is to increase the number sales you get while keeping the number clicks to an absolute minimum. You don’t want anyone to click your ad who isn’t at all likely to buy.
So let’s say that we were looking at the ‘marriage’ option and you were hoping to sell an eBook on how to organize a cheap wedding that still impresses guests. Now, all you need to do is to target men or women who are engaged. Now the only people who see the ad, are people who are likely to be currently planning a wedding. You can also target people who are of a certain age to avoid the types of people who maybe are happy to live as engaged for years without any plans to get married.
Further down the page, you get to choose your daily budget. This determines how much you can spend every day before the ads stop showing. If you only have a set budget to spend on advertising, then this is an important figure to set – otherwise you can end up spending hundreds or thousands of dollars!
It might be tempting here to think that you can set your ad spend really low in order to avoid losing too much money. This strategy might work in theory but in practice it means that you won’t get any ad clicks. That’s because, as mentioned briefly earlier, adverts have to compete for certain ad slots. There are hundreds of people all trying to show ads to ‘engaged couples’ and so the budget you set will be used to determine how often your ad shows up instead of someone else’s. The higher your budget, the more you’ll pay for each click but the more your ad will be seen. You need to spend a certain amount just to ensure that your ad is actually going to show up at all!
Next we get to add an image, a title and a description. The title should be something eye grabbing and something that makes our product sound desirable. It’s only 40 characters long though, so you need to be smart with your use of words.
The description meanwhile is where we elaborate and this is where we’re going to use a smart technique to improve our ROI further. This is only 20 characters long though. Finally, you reiterate your destination URL. There is a ‘text section’ though as well where you also get to add some information about your site, and you can use a few more characters here.
Finally, you also get to add an image and again our aim here is to grab the eye.
So while the headline and the image will grab the eye and will draw people in, we’re going to use our description to filter people out. How? By adding the price of our product front and center and by being very frank about what it is. So for instance:
Plan The BEST Budget Wedding Ever!
$50 Wedding Planning Tips eBook!
So the reason this works so well, is that it tells people front and center what the price of the eBook is. They’re not going to click the link thinking they’re getting free tips (unless they don’t read the full thing – which will happen). Most of the time, your visitors will only click the link if they’re potentially interested in buying an eBook for $50. You just got rid of all your time wasters and greatly improved your profit margin as a result!
Going Local
It’s up to you if you want to use this strategy but another option to help increase your ROI further is to filter your audience by local area. For instance, you could say that your eBook is only for people in X location. This will greatly reduce the amount of competition you’re facing and thereby mean that your ad is seen more often even if you set your daily budget to be lower. Check out
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