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How to Create Stunning Content That Gets Shares, Likes and Conversions Writing great content for your blog is crucial to help promote your website and blog and thereby to create more opportunities to market your affiliate product. If you were paying close attention to the earlier section on SEO, then you will hopefully have noticed…
IM Wealth Strategies0 Comments
Creating a Brand If you’re only using e-mail marketing (which we’ll get to later) and/or PPC, then you don’t necessarily need to create a big brand. However, if you’re going to be using the various different methods we’ve discussed here such as SEO and social media marketing, then it can pay to build yourself a…
IM Wealth Strategies0 Comments
Link Building The spiders and robots find content by finding links on other sites. If there are no links pointing at your site from page that Google has already indexed, then it will have no way of knowing your content is there and you might not come up in searches at all as a result.…
IM Wealth Strategies0 Comments
SEO Basics Alongside SEO, the other strategy you can use to promote your website and thus your landing page/store is SEO. SEO of course is Search Engine Optimization and this essentially means that you design and manage your website and marketing in such a way as to ensure you climb to the top of Google.…
IM Wealth Strategies0 Comments
Promoting Your Brand and Building Trust – From Content Marketing and SEO to List Building and Social Media Unless you’re made of money, there’s only so much you can do with PPC advertising alone. Eventually, then, affiliate marketing comes down to being able to promote your website and your brand and to reach a wider…
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